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The Injured Athletes Club

Aug 19, 2021

"Of all the emotions I have felt after injury, the one I'm having the most trouble dealing with is anger. I'm mad at myself, my coach, and at the medical professionals who I feel have failed me. I know some of this is justified. But I also feel trapped by it. What can I do to move forward?”


This week, co-host and...

Aug 12, 2021

“I had the two black lines in my life, I had the black line that trailed the pages of my journal, and I had the black line that trails the bottom of a pool. And both gave me that place to be, that place to process, to grieve. I found the ability—with swimming specifically—to bridge my past to my present and lead...

Aug 5, 2021

"Could you discuss how injury shows up the fault-lines in your relationships? Injuries change the dynamics, and certainly my back-to-back injuries have made me feel less in control, less independent, and probably facing the relationship issues I was literally running away from."


This week, co-host and mental skills...