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The Injured Athletes Club

Aug 25, 2022

“I think first of all, it is so easy to dismiss this diagnosis and think there must be something else the matter, because the symptoms are so extreme and it is hard to believe that it can be something as simple and as basic as an energy imbalance. But it really can. And until I was brave enough to get really honest...

Aug 18, 2022

“I want to know how to deal with the ups and downs, feeling good then having a setback over and over and over. In the beginning it’s easier to know it won’t last, but when it keeps happening it gets harder to get through it. Also how to be more patient.”



“I am struggling with the fact that I have...

Aug 11, 2022

"At first it was a bit difficult, talking about it and reliving it, but now I see how powerful that can be. You wouldn't believe how many stories I hear. I swear every time somebody crashes really bad on their bike, they reach out to me. It’s incredible—I don't think people realize that about themselves when they...

Aug 4, 2022

“I’m continuing to struggle months after my stress fracture is ‘healed’ with new pain areas and fearing it is a recurrence of the original injury. How do I mentally get over that hurdle?” —Liisa


“I’m currently in transition from return to function towards return to play and every little flare gives me...